Innovative development strategy of modern higher education

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Considers the importance of innovative development of higher education, including the system of the teaching the foreign languages. Emphasizes the importance of social-communicative interaction between universities and employers as one of the directions of increase of the competitiveness of Russian education. As a key factor in improving the quality of higher education offered: a critical mass of highly qualified scientific and pedagogical workers, including representatives of the business community, and the best students, as well as a high level of logistical support of the University. Based on the analysis of theoretical research and educational practice revealed the contradictions that exist at different levels: socio-practical, socio-pedagogical and scientific-methodological, and considers a number of measures aimed at solving the existing problems of transition of the emerging information society to an innovation model of education. Outlines the key features of implementation of modern approaches, promising practices, innovative forms and technologies of realization of higher education, including including the system of the teaching the foreign languages.


Imodernization, factors, competitiveness, human potential, socio-communicative interaction, the system of the teaching the foreign languages

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14240031   |   DOI: 10.7442/2071-9620-2016-1-57-67

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