Institutional changes in higher education

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The system of management of educational institutions is one of the most controversial in the entire system of the modern Russian economy, which is due to the General crisis phenomena that are becoming particularly acute in the field of education, so today a systematic approach to the management of educational organizations has not been developed. Thus, 4-5% of the Russian state budget expenditures are allocated to support educational institutions. Legal problems are also added to the financial problems of education. In the Russian Federation, there are currently a number of mutually exclusive draft laws in the field of education. In addition, there are problems with training professional personnel to manage such organizations on a national scale. The article examines the factors that influence institutional changes; various types of institutional changes in higher education institutions, as well as ways to reflect them on the content component of these changes. In determining the functions of departments of educational institutions revealed the relationship of barriers to the interaction of employees with increasing their functionality, thereby increasing the level of conflict, and a shift in value orientations of educational activities aimed student on the importance of research activities aimed at the modern performance indicators of departments, which naturally affected the degree of satisfaction from doing it well. As part of the pilot study, models of management of educational structural divisions in higher education were identified, which have a significant impact on the performance of both a separate structural division and the entire educational organization as a whole.


Institutional changes, higher education, transformation of education, management in education

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148314394   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-74-70-76

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