The use of game technology in the formation of the technical university students’ ability to professional self-organization and self-education

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The article analyzes scientific sources and diagnostic experiment results in order to substantiate the relevance of the problem of forming the readiness of technical university students’ for professional self-organization and self-education, and proves the expediency of interpreting such readiness as an educational result formulated in the form of competence. The relationship between the concepts of ability and competence based on their structural similarity is presented. The substantiation of the use of game technologies in teaching higher mathematics to students of a technical university in order to form their ability to professional self-organization and self-education is given. Examples of business games aimed at developing the desire to master mathematical knowledge and methods of action necessary for professional activity, independent search for information, mastering professional competencies, qualities such as flexibility, rationality, quick thinking, as well as students' awareness of the role of scientific organization of educational work in improving its effectiveness; mastering the simplest methods of scientific organization of work in the process of educational research and self-education are offered. The content possibilities of traditional technical university disciplines such as "Higher Mathematics", "Linear Algebra", "Mathematical Analysis" for the development of business and intellectual games are argued. Game scenarios are made in the concept of activity and competence-oriented scientific approaches.


Рrofessional self-organization, self-organization and self-education competence, game technologies, business game

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328013   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-93-52-61

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