Usage of media analytics tools at the university: formats, vectors, potential

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Subject of the article: analysis of the methodological component and functionality of the «SCAN-INTERFAX» system for student research. Object of the article: usage of media analytics tools at the university. The goal of the project: is to show the possibilities of media analysis for assessing the PR activities of a university, the role of an educational institution and the higher education system as a whole in the public mind and competitive environment (among some other universities), from a methodological point of view, to comprehend the functional and research tools of an autonomous media and social media monitoring system «SCAN-INTERFAX» and to estimate the attractiveness of the system for student scientific research. Methodology of work: statistical, infographic, monitoring method, content analysis, that made it possible to present a detailed interpretation of the numerical data generated by the informational and analytical system. Field of application of the results: the data obtained has the key importance for the university in the context of reputation policy, holding an admission campaign and, more broadly, estimating the attractiveness of higher education for a whole society. The study made it possible to obtain data needed for adjusting the work and developing the recommendations. Research materials can demanded by the analytical and PR services of the university, education authorities of various levels, state and municipal governments. Conclusion: analysis of the methodological components and functionality of the «SCAN-INTERFAX» system made it possible to highly appreciate its research tools and draw conclusions about the perspectives of media analytics and its attractiveness for student scientific research. The experience gained in the field of media analytics can be useful in informational, communicational, socio-political and other interdisciplinary research.


Media, media analytics, media analysis, media research, media technologies, media statistics

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148325585   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2022-24-86-3-9

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