The usage of media technologies in the professional training of music students

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The article substantiates the need and relevance of media education in the process of preparing students of music specialties as a way of adapting music education to the realities of the digital world. Examples of the use of new media created by media workshop students as a tool for selfeducation and improving musical literacy are considered. Ethical conflicts and norms that bloggers musicians are encouraged to use in their activities are examined. According to the author, they are at the intersection of musical and journalistic ethics. It is concluded that the use of new media is becoming an important tool for the development of musical and auditory perception of songs, contributing to a better understanding of the concept and its implementation by the performer. The blogosphere resource can be successfully used by future musicians to improve their preparation and as a source of additional information on the topic.


Media technologies, media workshop

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IDR: 144162937   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-1117-131-137

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