Investigation of the statistical suitability of the technological process of mashing malt for reproducibility and stability

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The aim of the study is to determine the statistical suitability of the malt mashing process based on the registration of temperature changes in β-amylase. Tasks: statistically substantiate or refute the stability and reproducibility of the malt mashing process. The object of the study is the technological process of mashing malt in the context of assessing reproducibility and stability in the study of temperature changes of the enzyme β-amylase. The study was conducted in the Yaroslavl region, at the production sites of the Yarpivo brewery. In the course of the study, the authors relied on such software and statistical analysis tools as the Statistica 13.5 software package and MS Excel spreadsheets. When constructing control maps (X-, R- and CUSUM), it was found that the process of mashing malt is characterized as statistically stable, which made it possible to further evaluate the reproducibility index. However, due to the distribution of measurement results different from normal by Pearson's ꭓ-square criterion (ꭓcr2 =11,07


Statistical stability of the process, process reproducibility index, control maps, statistical processing, β-amylase, enzyme, malt mashing

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IDR: 140305298   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-200-206

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