The research of unevenness degree influence of heating of colza seeds in emf uhf on their energy of germination and viability

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The main problem arising when processing seed material in electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (EMF UHF) is unevenness of heating. Despite a large number of the works directed on definition of degree of unevenness of heating of material in EMF UHF the question of distribution of temperature fields in volume of seed material re-mains low studied It is connected first of all with the problem of simultaneous measurement of tempera-ture in a set of points of volume of the processed material, to measure which it is possible by means of the thermal imager. Therefore research of influ-ence of degree of unevenness of heating of colza seeds in EMF UHF on their energy of growth be-came the objective of our work. For this purpose the seeds of colza which were previously brought to humidity of 20 % were filled in three layers in ca-pacity with a diameter of 25 cm. Each layer was made about 15 mm. Between layers a grid from radiotransparent material was made. The grid al-lowed cleaning instantly a layer of seeds for re-search of distribution of a temperature field of seeds the thermal imager the plane which is under a grid. Processing of seeds of a colza of EMF UHF was made at the following input parameters: Ores = 1529 W/dm3, t = 60 with. It was proved by the con-ducted researches of temperature fields that in the household microwave oven there is an uneven heating of the studied material in this connection various laboratory viability was observed, thus une-venness of heating varies: in the top layer of the processed material it was from 27.3 to 46.7oC. With (at an average temperature on the area 36.2oC and coefficient of a variation was 12.9 %) viability of seeds made 81.7 %; on average a layer of the pro-cessed material was from 28.2 to 49.7°C (at an av-erage temperature on the area of 36.2°C and coef-ficient of a variation of 7.9 %) viability of seeds made 87.2 %; in the lower layer of the processed material it was from 32 to 49.1о С. (at an average temperature on the area 42.7о С and coefficient of variation 7.5 %) viability of seeds made 83.2 %.


Electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency (emf uhf), microwave installation, ener-gy of germination and viability, die-lectric heating, unevenness of heating, colza

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IDR: 14084651

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