Studying of lyrics at school: culturological aspect

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This article explains the productivity of educational cultural context to the study of B.L. Pasternak's poetry at school. The author offers various forms of implementation of this approach, depending on the specifics of school age, and genre characteristics of literary material. Complexity of implementation of culturological context in the course of literary education of school students is accompanied first of all by lack of pupils' conceptual idea of this or that type of culture (for example, Confucian and Taoist, Indo-Buddhist, Islamic, Christian), of cultural and historical period. The teacher of literature needs to build for each type of culture a peculiar system of values, an image of the World and the Person in different types of consciousness. At the same time it is important that knowledge in this area be of not gnoseological, but valuable and orientation character. Conclusion: Knowledge of the art world of the writer, opening of the world of characters, consideration of the work of art in the context of culture can be conducted through different types of text commentary, comparison of its editions, studying of creative history of the work, observation of development of the plot and composition, analysis of extra subject elements (chronological shifts, antithesis, landscape, portrait, dialogues, monologues), identification of the role of motives, images of culture in literary space of the text, lexical and grammatical analysis, author's methods of typification of characters, life pictures, etc.


Cultural studies approach, the study of lyrical works, cultural background, cultural commentary, cultural overview, problematic issues of cultural nature, cultural characteristics of the artistic image

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IDR: 148102404

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