Experimental researches of optimum quantization of teaching material within the frame of didactic units

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The article describes the experimental researches of optimum quantization of teaching material as part of didactic units. Thus the concept of didactic unit with reference to school and high school is specified. As a result of the experiment with reference to high school the optimum volume of didactic unit (lesson subject) which makes ==2D5=710=70 micrmacr (2,5 million bits) and optimum quantum of teaching material is established within the framework of didactic unit which makes 0,08 million bits (≈ 320 words, or ≈ 1800 signs).

Didactic unit, ascertaining, forming, research and final experiments, mikrokolon, makrokolon

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148101053

IDR: 148101053

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