The emblem as a semiotic system

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The theme of this article - the formation of the emblem as a semiotic system, AB-tor considers the structure of the emblem, its characteristics, features amble-automatic symbolism, the specifics of the early emblematic collections. CCA special emphasis on the digital emblem of the Renaissance and early modern times. The nature of the emblems at this time becomes more games, savvy and conventional. The emblem is a fairly rigidly structured compact sign system containing per-encoded, often in allegorical form, a particular text. Structural logo consisted of three parts: the image (pictura, icon, imago), de visas or label (inscriptio motto) and epigrammatic signature (subscriptio). The image included from one to three subjects (three is the number of spirits-assisted synthesis), composite United between itself. It could be the elements of flora and fauna, tools of the craft and science, utensils, musical instruments-tools, books, notes, a symbolic image of elements and so on


Emblem, symbol, semiotics system, painting, renaissance, baroque

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