Ethnocultural features of choreographic education in China

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In the modern practice of choreographic education, there is a wide methodological support for Chinese and Mongolian folk stage dances and insufficient attention to educational and methodological issues in professional education Mongolian choreography, which determines the scientific and practical study of issues relevant to Chinese university students. One of the important conditions for teaching students folk dances is to study the lexical accuracy of choreographic traditions, while their incorrect interpretation negatively affects the formation of professionally important skills. The article searches for solutions to educational and methodological issues that arise in choreographic education, which makes it possible to identify ethnocultural features that can be considered as patterns that ensure its further development. The subject “Folk stage dance” belongs to the disciplines of the artistic cycle and is based on the achievements of pedagogy, folk traditions and ideas about the culture and art of dance.


Ethnocultural characteristics, choreographic education, Chinese folk dance, Mongolian folk dance, methods of teaching folk stage dances

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163084   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-3119-129-135

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