Considering the issue of the study of the poetic folklore of the Khotshuts of Kalmykia

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On the basis of the field and archive materials there are considered the examples of the poetic folklore of the Khoshuts of the Republic of Kalmykia. The folklore recordings by N.N. Ubushaev, A.V. Badmaev, L.S. Sangaev, V.P. Shiff, D.B. Gedeeva, B.V. Menyaeva and B.B. Mandzhieva are considered as the essential material for studying the Khoshuts folklore of the XX - the beginning of the XXIst centuries.

Poetic folklore, the khoshuts of the republic of kalmykia, personal field data, archive materials, audio recordings, tall tales, songs, wishful thinking, saying and proverbs

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IDR: 148327936

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