On the question of the pseudoscience of astrology

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The article discusses some provisions of Memorandum No. 3 of the Commission on Combating Pseudoscience of the Russian Academy of Sciences "On the pseudoscience of Astrology". In conditions of powerful information pressure on modern society, it is important that a person learns to defend his "information sovereignty", the right to his own opinion, guided by the desire for unifying trends, but not to split society. People who identify themselves as researchers of the astrological heritage are part of this society. The author discusses whether astrology can be considered a science, and if not, why. The specifics of astrological symbolism and methods of work of an astrologer are considered. The weak points of the astrological methodology are analyzed and at the same time the certain benefits of this system of ideas about the world around us are emphasized both for an individual and for society as a whole.


Russian academy of sciences, alchemy, k.g. jung, a.l. chizhevsky, astrology

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147243091

IDR: 147243091

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