To the question about the formation features of lexical competence in the process of a foreign language teaching

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The article discusses the features of the lexical competence formation as necessary for mastering foreign language speech. Modern requirements for a specialist entering into international communication dictate the need for the development and improvement of all components of this competence. The cultural aspect of the lexical competence formation is also considered as one of the main ones in the process of mastering foreign language speech. Current requirements for a specialist entering into international communication are dictated by the need to study the culture of the countries of the language being studied. Without knowledge of the ideological characteristics of the people, it becomes impossible to communicate with its representatives successfully. Lexical competence which is considered to be dominant in foreign languages teaching in both linguistic and non-linguistic universities is divided into aspects known in the process of teaching: speaking, reading, writing, and listening skills. But the achievement of a designated communicative goal cannot take place without the inclusion in the process of forming the necessary skills of socio-cultural overtones, which at the same time solves a certain set of educational tasks, broadens the horizons of students. It is well known that the knowledge of a foreign language is not limited to the possession of foreign vocabulary, phonetics and grammar. This possession is conditioned among other things by the consideration of the culture of the language being studied countries, by the peculiarities of the mentality of native speakers. The knowledge of cultural aspects is carried out through the introduction of socio-cultural texts, which highlight the language features of the country in question and conceptual features of the world’s perception by the people of this country. The process of learning a foreign language organized in this way contributes to the definition in the minds of students of the cultural image of the country being studied, the development of the ability to compare analytically, compare the learned cultural characteristics of this country with the same features of the native country. As a result, the student’s personality acquires all the new qualities of his own thinking: the character of behavior, worldview is determined; the concept of tolerance is formed in the modern conditions of globalization and cosmopolitanism. Thus, the lexical competence formation is a multidimensional process, and deviation from one of them not only slows down the process of learning, but also greatly affects the efficiency of learning a foreign language as a whole.


Cultural studies, lexical competence, sociocultural orientation, comparative analysis, learning process, student motivation

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IDR: 148312857

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