To the question of organization of independent study by bachelories of the section "Linear models in economy"

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The article deals with the organization of independent work of students as part of their self-educational activities. In the modern world, a university graduate is subject to certain requirements for the level and content of competencies formed in the learning process, the main of which are the ability to self-educate, autonomy and the ability to adapt to a changing situation. The skills necessary for this can be obtained in the process of independent work, which ensures the continuity of education and the possibility of advanced training. This paper discusses the organization of independent study by bachelors of the specialty "Economics" of the Samara State University of Communications of a separate section of mathematics, called "Linear models in economics". Since this is the first of the sections of mathematics studied independently, it is recommended that all educational material on it be placed in the EIEE of the university. For its assimilation, the student is recommended to: read, understand and outline the proposed material; solve problems in accordance with their version, answer in writing the main questions. Control consists in checking by the teacher the availability and quality of notes compiled by students; verification of an individual solution by each student of his version of tasks; conducting a blitz survey or testing.


Independent work of students, self-educational activity, linear programming, optimization problem, dual problem

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148325603   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-88-12-17

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