The quality of flax seeds and the yield of linseed oil depend on sowing date

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The article proposes an analysis of the quality of oilseeds of curly flax varieties grown on dark gray forest soils, Non-Black Earth Region. In studies, high productivity was noted in the varieties Istok (20.6 c/ha), Sanlin (20.5 c/ha); mass personality - in varieties Istok (44.7 %), VNIIMK-620 (43.1 %). Interest in the oil and fat sector is growing every year, since this type of agricultural raw material belongs to an export-oriented product, and flaxseed oil is in demand in the domestic consumer market, since this type of product is rich in natural antioxidants, tocopherols. Flaxseed is little used in technologies for the production of functional products, as well as in recipes for bakery products and energy food compositions. In view of this, there is an increase in the gross yield of vegetable oil, which depends on a number of factors. Firstly, domestic breeders are working on new highly productive varieties of oil flax, secondly, the processes of improving agricultural technologies in terms of the selection of optimal sowing dates, and thirdly, the selection of the seeding rate for new varieties of oil flax, taking into account climatic and weather conditions regions. At all sowing terms of the studied varieties, there is an increase in the content of saturated acid-stearic acid in linseed oil, which ranges from 0.5 to 1.1 %; and in the early periods of seed formation, saturated and oleic acids predominate, followed by the formation of linolenic and linoleic acids. Under the conditions of the Ryazan region, the highest yield of vegetable oil was observed in varieties LM 98, Istok, VNIIMK 620 in the 1st decade of May, varieties Sanlin - in the 2nd decade of May.


Ryazan region, kudryash flax, sowing period, variety, yield, oil content, fatty acid composition, oil yield

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254757   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-2-181-186

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