Classics eyes of the contemporary

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In the present article the author touches on an issue of depreciation of modern theater. Against a today's theatrical situation, a component of cultural space of Russia, the system of values in the spiritual sphere, changed for the worse for the last two decades is considered. The author notes that decrease in a level of artistry in drama art caused change of a theatrical esthetics. And it, in turn, was reflected in esthetic views and tastes of generation which was created these years, that is young generation. On the example of viewing and then detailed analysis of one concrete performance the author builds a chain of proofs of how simplifies and impoverishes an inner world of the young man his interaction with pop culture and as familiarizing with classics moves apart borders of knowledge and views of art. The task set for students of the 2nd course of director's and scenario office of chair of motion picture art of MGUKI, each of them solves in own way, but the general still have a conclusion: esthetic taste doesn't arise from scratch, it is brought up, gained. And the best way of development of good taste is familiarizing with «high art».


Theater, spirituality, esthetics, generation, classics

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