Preservation of bone materials of sika deer

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In this paper, we have determined the optimum methods of preservation of sika deer bone material and subsequently studied the biochemical and biological properties of the material. The subject of research was flat bones of the skull and tubular bones of sika deer. The age of the animals was from 1 to 7 years. The bones were preserved in two ways: through microwave drying in the «microwave» mode and infrared drying at 45 °С, followed by grinding the resulting biosubstance in a mill to powder. After the IR drying, the yield of powder from sika deer flat and tubular bones was 82.1-91.9 %, the drying time was 6-9 hours, whereas after the microwave drying, the yield of the resulting powder was 41-55. 8 %, and the preservation time took from 55 to 60 minutes. According to the biochemical analysis of the powder obtained from the sika deer bones, the protein content in the test samples showed no significant difference and was in the range of 26.3-30.1 %. The amount of fat ranged from 5.4 % to 11.4 %. The mineral composition of the dry residue included a complex of macro- and microelements, with calcium of 18.4 g/kg, phosphorus of9.0 g/kg, iron of 7.4 mg/kg and zinc of 17.8 mg/kg. After the application of the Stylonychia mytilus testing cultures, the total biological value of the native powder of sika deer bones was assessed. No changes were found during the assessment of the shape and movement of the infusoria. No death of stylonychia was observed, which indicates the absence of toxicity of the biosubstances obtained from the flat and tubular bones of sika deer. A tonic effect was tested on laboratory mice according to the Brekhman method. According to the test, after feeding the animals with sika deer bone material preserved through infrared drying, the swimming time increased by 1.56-3.5 times compared to the reference group.


Flat bones of the skull, tubular bones of the limbs, biosubstance, infrared drying, microwave drying, biochemical composition, general biological value, tonic effect

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256912   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-4-120-126

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