Correlation analysis of the interrelations between indicators of the pupils’ success in the process of learning

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The article represents a correlation analysis of interrelations of indicators of pupils’ success. Author establishes cause-and-effect relationships between indicators of pupils’ success. Indicators of success include academic progress results, participation in scientific competitions, conferences; the level of aspiration, motivation to learning, attitude to learning, level of anxiety; the level of self-esteem, sociometric status, family relationships. Author identifies recommendations for teachers in the process of pupils’ success formation. The recommendations depend on the age peculiarities of pupils. It is important to involve parents in the learning process, to involve them in school activities, to conduct explanatory work at the age of eleven. For pupils of fourteen years old it is important to maintain the self-esteem at a high level, to avoid comparison, offensive assessments, to try to support using the situation of success.


Students' success, relationships, self-esteem, achievement, motivation to learning, family, parenting

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ID: 148102584
