Cross-cultural approach to the formation of sociocultural competence in future bachelors of social work

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The article reveals the possibilities of a cross-cultural approach in the professional training of bachelors of social work, in the formation of their socio-cultural competence. It has been shown that the development process, built on the basis of a cross-cultural approach, allows the development of socio-cultural competence of future grobav ditches. Socio-cultural competence includes professionally significant qualities of a social worker: the ability to listen, stand on the position of the client, tolerance and empathy skills as the basis of activity in a multicultural environment with various groups of the population.Methods and techniques used in training on the basis of a cross-cultural approach are presented: research and design activities, trainings, cross-cultural communication, analysis ofemotional states, dilemma method, film pedagogy, etc. The results of a pedagogical experiment on training an experimental group of students based on a cross-cultural approach are given. The results of the experiment showed a positive dynamics of the formation of sociocultural competence of the future bachelor of social work when using this approach.


Sociocultural competence, cross-cultural approach, specialists of social work, multicultural environment, empathy skills

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IDR: 142240215

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