Cultural-civilizational models of modernity in the projection of factors of its resolution

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The article compares the Anglo Saxon and developing Eurasian civilizational models and assesses the prospects for their development. If the Anglo Saxon model in the modern crisis situation is characterized by the recreation of colonial principles, unipolarity, popularization of transhumanism, gender nihilism, consumerism and forgetting the humanistic foundations of personal freedom, the Eurasian model actualizes the principles of multipolarity, the primacy of public interests and values, justice, creative interaction, sustainability, reasonable consumption, consent and peace. The authors substantiate the conclusion about the objectivity of humanity's transition to the second civilizational model of development with the help of cultural and philosophical provisions of F. Nietzsche, O. Spengler, N. A. Berdyaev, A. Toiby, A. Maslow, J. Habermas and others. The authors of the UN Global Report on Sustainable Development and materials of the World Economic Forum (Switzerland, Davos, January 2023) are involved in the analysis. The trends of modern cultural philosophical discourse in the study of the civilization process are considered. The characteristics of the positive direction of the civilization process in the projection of humanization of social development from the society of universal consumption to the community of equal creative socio cultural creation, where the values are enlightened traditionalism, reasonable rationalism, mutual respect, universal dialogue and multipolarity.


Cultural civilizational knot of modernity, anglo saxon model of civilization

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IDR: 144162980   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-6116-6-11

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