Blended ciders of the Samara region

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The purpose of the study is to develop formulation for blended ciders using fruit wine materials. The study was conducted at the Higher Biotechnological School of the Samara State Technical University. The quality indicators of apples cultivated in the Samara Region for cider production are presented. Fruit materials are obtained using classical cider production technology; their quality meets the requirements of the state standard for all basic physical and chemical indicators. For the experiments, both individual apple varieties and mixtures of varieties were used. The wort yield ranged from 25 to 29 %. To improve the organoleptic characteristics of cider and expand the range, blend formulations have been developed using wine materials obtained from chokeberry (chokeberry) and plum (yellow, blue), cultivated in the Samara Region. Before fermentation, chokeberry juice was diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 due to its high extract content and high astringency. A 50 % sucrose solution was added to the resulting wort. Wine material from yellow and blue plums was prepared using classical technology. The berries were crushed in a roller crusher. The resulting blended ciders have a color from light amber to ruby, transparent without inclusions, a harmonious fruity taste with delicate sourness, the aroma of fresh apples, pleasant tartness with notes of plum and chokeberry. Alcohol content, depending on the ratio of components, ranges from 3.5 to 4.7 % vol., sugar content does not exceed 9.5 g/dm3, acidity 7.7 g/dm3. The resulting cider samples fully meet the requirements of GOST 31820-2015 “Ciders. General technical conditions".


Blended ciders, fruit wine materials, chokeberry

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IDR: 140304712   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2024-2-240-245

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