Language Synergy
Автор: Jadamba Badrakh, Tsogzolmaa Guruuchin
Рубрика: Лексикологические и лексико-семантические исследования монгольских языков
Статья в выпуске: 4, 2020 года.
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The purpose of this work is to understand and discuss linguistics gene or its synergy in the Mongolian language, comparing and analyzing the linguists’ findings and paradigms on language and speech, and their correlation. It is particularly significant to differentiate and understand the analysis of language and linguistics and their correlation. The periodic linguists and experts have paid their attention to precise explanations to interpret characteristics of language and linguistic throughout the time correctly because of the essential importance of its depth of relevance. However, some linguists separate language and linguistics from each other, considering those linguistics as a general concept. However, language is specific, stating "the two are unrelated and separate phenomena without coherence," whereas other experts claim that “Language and linguistics are two sides of the same phenomenon, and need not be differentiated." To find a definite answer to this question and uncertainty, we have taken into account the work about the correlation of language and linguistics from the universal approach, which observes the interaction process of a thing and a man, exploring the triple structure theory as “linguistics -thing-language". The structure "Linguistics-thing-language" is explained by the triple theory as "being-gene-consciousness," specifically, that being is connected to linguistics, the gene or the synergy is a thing, and consciousness relates to language, or simply “Being — linguistics, Synergy — Thing, Consciousness- Language." We further broke it down to the Mongolian language, and cultural aspect of that synergy as the thing translates to “ethics and culture," as well as “wisdom” and “conscious mind." In such, we aimed to discuss this concept in Mongolian language synergy from the perspectives from international viewpoints as well as our native Mongolian linguists and experts and look at the triple structure theory
Language, linguistics, correlation, instrument, gene, and synergy
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148316579 | DOI: 10.18101/2305-459X-2020-4-110-116
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