Lexicographic registration of Afro-American sociolect nomination

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The article presents data on the lexicographic analysis of Afro-American sociolect nomination given in J.R.Bartlett`s Dictionary of Americanisms. Special attention is paid to social stylistic gradation of English afrosublanguage sociolect lexical system, historical and etymological features of Afro-American ethnosociolect nomination, systems of micro-, macro- and megastructural ethnosociolect lexicographic instruments and degree of their usage within the revealed formats.

Afroethnogeolect, afroethnosociolectism, afroethnosublanguage, area, dictionary, english, ethnosociolexicographic instrument, marker, sociolexicography, vocabulary article

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102380

IDR: 148102380

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