Local subcultures in the organizational environment of a flagship university

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In the process of reorganization of educational institutions of higher education in the region one can detect various subcultural formations, members of which in different ways relate to the formed at a university system of goals and values. A lack of involvement and interest among managers of a flagship university to incongruent subcultures transforms differences into disagreements and clashes, blocking effective performance of the university. Attention to local subcultures of the flagship university gives an opportunity to properly identify various contradictions that hinder the performance of the university’s functions and activities. The article proves that local subcultural groups of the flagship university do not always act as a barrier to the functioning of an educational organization if employees (including the university administration) do not constrain the observed cultural differences. The author proposes a model of management of local subcultures of the flagship university, contributing to organizational development. This model is focused on defusing the conflict environment related to reorganization processes, creation of a positive image and high reputation of the university and its graduates. The conducted study demonstrates that local subcultures of the flagship university reflect common challenges and issues faced by employees, thus being a functional force acting on the entire system of a learning process.


Local subculture, values, profiles, management, cultural standards, organizational development, flagship university, model

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147156344

IDR: 147156344   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170220

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