Management of the state and development of human resources of industrial enterprise in accordance with the dynamics of the influence external and internal factors

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The specifics of human resource management primarily consider the work with the personnel of enterprises and organizations, and the basic concept that existed earlier said that the human resource and personnel of enterprises and organizations are some expenses that need to be constantly repaid. Now, personnel-human resources are considered as the resources of the enterprise, and this approach is used to increase the understanding of the belonging of employees and more effective use of their competencies in the organization system. Respectively, as resources are one of the most important characteristics of the enterprise and personnel should be attributed to the resources necessary for the sustainable development and functioning of the enterprise. The general concept of human resource management provides for a set of certain beliefs and suggestions that are formed and focused in one company, so you can talk about the corporate culture, about specific factors that are accepted in the company, and are, in turn, also a certain resource. The aim of the study is to form an up-to-date approach to improving the efficiency of human resource management at an industrial enterprise. Materials and methods. As part of the materials and methods, it is necessary to note the analysis of approaches, methods and models of human resource management presented in the scientific and technical literature, as well as the results of their implementation in the practice of industrial enterprise management. Results. The article substantiates the main scientific provisions and the need to form a general strategy for personnel development, which forms employees' self-determination in the organizational structure of the enterprise and the vector of their development, and the management has a clear idea in the development of personnel management decisions. Conclusion. A vague formulation, the absence of a personnel development strategy or its inconsistency with the general strategy of the enterprise and the dynamics of the influence of external and internal factors creates some uncertainty, which further leads to the “turnover” of personnel and does not allow achieving the goals set by the management of the enterprise.


Personnel, human resources, strategy, personnel development, human resource management, personnel policy, personnel management

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IDR: 147233806   |   DOI: 10.14529/ctcr210211

Список литературы Management of the state and development of human resources of industrial enterprise in accordance with the dynamics of the influence external and internal factors

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