Mechanisms of social investment of the dental service of higher and secondary educational institutions

Автор: Eldarkhanov D.Kh., Yusupov R.D., Ignatiadi O.N., Zakharchenko I.S., Yusupov Kh.R.

Журнал: Саратовский научно-медицинский журнал @ssmj

Рубрика: Организация здравоохранения

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.14, 2018 года.

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The aim: development of conceptual provisions aimed at updating and ubiquitous introduction of a preventive system of dental care for students in higher and secondary vocational schools. Material and Methods. The authors rely on data from comprehensive surveys conducted in Moscow, in the Stavropol Territory, in Volgograd, in the city of Pyatigorsk. Results. It is established that the main diseases of students are dental caries and periodontal diseases (most often in the initial form). There is a trend of loss of dental health of students from 1 to 4 courses. Loss of health (even for objective reasons) is destructive for the economy and society. Solution of this problem will ensure the provision of systemic prevention and enhance the dental activity of the contingent of students. An estimation of the required investments related to the opening and operation of dental offices at higher and secondary professional educational institutions was made. Conclusion. The possibilities of social investment of the dental service of educational institutions with the use of mechanisms of fundraising are shown. Strengthening the dental services of educational institutions will help to improve the dental health of the student population. Social investment of educational institutions has many attractive features for the population and business entities.



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