Methodical features of training of students to build multi-temporal events in the stage space

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The article is devoted to the practical work of students on the assignment "Renewal of the picture". Methods are proposed for display in a limited stage space of various temporal events that may be associated with the plot of the picture or have an independent semantic idea. Conclusion. This educational task reveals the creative possibilities of the student-Director in the use of a variety of scenographic forms and techniques. In studies with simultaneous events can be used different types of scenery: strictly historical (academic) type of scenery and costumes with a reliable image of the era and material culture of the period; stylized historical type of design, with conventional game elements and objects-substitutes; modern version of postmodern with a variety of avant-garde solutions; stylized eclecticism using all types and types of remote, stationary, mobile and suspended decorative elements.


Closed stage space, parallelism of temporary events, transitional temporary events, mixed temporary events

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