Methodical aspects of developing stability of 13-15-year old young rifle and pistol shooting athletes in the system “shooter - gun - target” taking into account the temperament

Автор: Shilenok Veronika Viktorovna

Журнал: Общество: социология, психология, педагогика @society-spp

Рубрика: Педагогика

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2020 года.

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The study considers the influence of temperament peculiarities on the dynamics of the number of mistakes made by young rifle and pistol shooting athletes aged 13-15 years in excess of permissible pedagogical requirements taking into account sports categories in PP-2 exercise (40 shots with an air pistol at a distance of 10 meters) through the example of a sample group of 90 pistol athletes. The identified problem areas of maintaining stability in the “shooter - gun - target” system led to the development of the content of pedagogical requirements for threshold values of permissible mistakes made by young rifle and pistol shooting athletes when executing a series of 10 shots taking into account their sports qualifications. The study provides specifics of competitive activity performance, the stability shown in the “shooter -gun - target” system, as well as the requirements which should be met by rifle and pistol shooting athletes to be qualified for a certain sports rank taking into account their type of temperament: 54.4% of the sample group are phlegmatic people with the highest sports ranks, 31.7 % are sanguine people and 13.9 % are choleric ones. The largest number of mistakes, according to young rifle and pistol shooting athletes (n = 90) and coaches (n = 10), was caused by the following: hastiness, spontaneity of the onset of action, sudden movement when pulling the trigger, inattentiveness to the technique of executing a shot. To a greater extent, such mistakes are made by choleric athletes, i.e. 9.39 mistakes out of 40 shots, to a lesser extent - by athletes of sanguine (4.99) and phlegmatic (4.96) types respectively. The data obtained make it possible to identify specific aspects of influence of various types of temperament on stability in the “shooter - gun - target” system, as well as on the occurrence of mistakes when performing a competitive exercise and thus allow to improve and adjust a sports training program. The study describes the key problems during psychological adaptation of young shooting athletes to the execution of a series of 10, 20, 40 and 60 shots, and the content of semantic units of psychological attitudes and mental images that improve behavior during trainings as well as in a competitive environment.


Young shooters, temperament peculiarities, stability, problems during psychologic adaptation, content of attitudes

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IDR: 149133417   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2020.1.13

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