Methodological support of independent work of students

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In accordance with the provisions of the Federal Educational Standard of Education, universities face the difficult task of forming certain professional and universal competencies among students. The organization of independent work of students is one of the important factors in the educational activities of universities, in modern conditions, the proportion of this component has become noticeably higher. It is this type of work that allows the future specialist to develop the ability to analyze various processes, independently set tasks, choose ways to solve them, argue his choice, creatively approach the problem. The article deals with the issues of methodological support of the educational process aimed at helping to master the material independently. The informational, organizational and controlling functions of the methodological base are analyzed. The review of various types of support used in the work of teachers of the Department of Higher Mathematics of Samara State Technical University is given, the results of a study conducted among students on the effectiveness of one of the forms of independent work using the proposed manuals, video lessons, cases are analyzed. As a result of the survey, the results were obtained confirming the positive contribution of various methodological materials in the independent development of certain sections of mathematics.


Independent work of students, methodological support, forms of independent work, standard calculation, types of methodological support

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IDR: 148325594   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2022-24-87-27-33

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