Methodology of implementation of individual approach in rehabilitation of students with posture disorders in physical education classes at higher education institution

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The article updates the problem of implementing an individual approach in the rehabilitation of students with posture disorders. The conducted analysis of scientific researches has shown that the problem is widely enough covered in scientific literature, but nevertheless the author’s own practical experience shows that the modern organization of educational classes averages the personality to a great extent. The individual approach to students will contribute to the solution of this issue. The results of the experiment on the implementationof the above method in physical education classes for students with posture disorders and scoliosis in the conditions of a non-sports university are presented. The empirical methods used in the course of the experiment and the statistical analysis of the results allowed us to conclude that the dynamics of the indicators of the functional state of the musculoskeletal apparatus in students participating in the experiment is characterized by a pronounced positive change in all test indicators. This indicates the effectiveness of using an individual approach in the rehabilitation of students with deviations in physical development of the musculoskeletal system in physical education classes.


Individualisation of training, students with disabilities, musculoskeletal disorders, principle of individual-differentiated training, rehabilitation, physical education classes

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IDR: 142240214

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