Methods of formation of readiness for professional and personal reflection future bachelors / masters of music education

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The subject of the article: professional and personal reflection of the teacher-musician and methods of its development. The object of the article: professional training of a teacher-musician at the University. The purpose of the work: theoretical substantiation and approbation of methods of formation of readiness for professional and personal reflection in students of pedagogical high school - future bachelors/masters of music education. Methodology of work: personality-oriented education, actualization of the reflexive nature of professional training of bachelors / masters of music education at the University. Results of work: the author's experience of formation of readiness for professional and personal reflection of future bachelors / masters of music education in the process of research activity is generalized. The scope of the results: musical-methodical preparation of the future teacher-musician. Conclusion. The ability to reflexive comprehension of musical and pedagogical reality is an important indicator of improvement of professional qualities, personal and creative self-consciousness of the future teacher-musician.


Personal and professional reflection of the teacher of music, storytelling, artistic and pedagogical challenge, pedagogical essays, search game

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