Interdisciplinary approach to the development of a training course on intercultural business communication

Автор: Sibul Viktoria Vladimirovna

Журнал: Общество: социология, психология, педагогика @society-spp

Рубрика: Педагогика

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2019 года.

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The paper discusses the problem of the development of intercultural competence in students of the Faculty of Economics through the course “Intercultural Business Communication”, developed on the basis of an interdisciplinary approach. Intercultural business communication implies the ability to create and develop business relationships with partners from different countries. In order to achieve success in this type of communication, the reference level of a foreign language is not high enough, it is also necessary to be able to adequately interpret the information received and accept the socio-cultural diversity of partners. Therefore, the specialist training program requires special attention to the formation of the linguistic personality (identity) of students - a person with intercultural communication skills. The development of intercultural competence can be carried out using an interdisciplinary approach, which helps to expand the scientific worldview and consider any concept from the standpoint of various fields of knowledge. The paper presents the content of the interdisciplinary course developed by the author on the topic “Intercultural Business Communication”, describes in detail how the course lectures are implemented, and an intermediate and final assessment of the course is carried out. In conclusion, the importance of developing and implementing interdisciplinary courses in the educational process, despite the complexity and significant time spent in their preparation, was noted.


Interdisciplinary approach, intercultural business communication, intercultural competence, knowledge integration, communication skills, educational process, interactive lectures, application of knowledge, persona lingua

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149133245   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2019.12.30

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