The language of international communication as a means of career guidance of school students

Автор: Tulasynova Nadezhda Yuryevna, Kvashina Svetlana Yuryevna

Журнал: Общество: социология, психология, педагогика @society-spp

Рубрика: Педагогика

Статья в выпуске: 6, 2018 года.

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The study explains the importance of intercultural communication in the modern political and economic situation in the world. The English language plays the leading role in the career self-determination of school students. English as a means of intercultural communication affects the perception of students’ view of life and the process of their self-identification which requires the intercultural competence development. English lessons can solve the problems of vocational education and training. Mastering the skills of foreign-language communication serves as a basis for the professional development of the student’s personality. Foreign language, like any other general educational subject, can and has to be a means of career guidance for students that helps address the issues influencing the professional development of the student’s personality. Vocationally oriented language learning (VOLL) is caused by the nature of interdisciplinary relationships of a foreign language with natural science, humanities, physics and mathematics courses.


Intercultural communication, language of international communication, english language, career guidance, communicative competence, self-identification of school students

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14940347   |   DOI: 10.24158/spp.2018.6.11

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