Mobile applications in the organisation of students' independent work

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The use of Internet technologies in teaching a foreign language is conditioned not only by the desire to modernise the learning process, but also by the fact that on the basis of Web technologies it becomes possible to implement. The article looks at mobile technologies as an effective tool for helping learners to work on their own when learning a foreign language. The article gives examples of mobile applications that contribute to building and improving pronunciation and lexico-grammatical skills, as well as developing skills in all types of foreign language speaking activities.

Teaching, pedagogy, language, independent work, foreign language, web technology, mobile applications

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IDR: 170205108   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-5-2-102-105

Список литературы Mobile applications in the organisation of students' independent work

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  • Gower, R.; Phillips, D.; Walters, S. Pedagogical practice. A guide for teachers in training.
  • Shishkovskaya Y.V. Organization of independent work of students on the basis of Internet 2.0 in the conditions of information-learning environment (foreign language, technical university): autoref. diss... Cand. paed. nauk. - Pyatigorsk, 2013. - 27 с. EDN: SUWLYJ
  • Crystal D. Language and the Internet. - Vol. 2. - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2006. - С. 12-18.
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