Международные экономические отношения. Рубрика в журнале - Теория и практика современной науки

"Утечка мозгов" как угроза экономической безопасности России
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В статье рассматривается проблема миграции ученых на запад, и дальнейшую угрозу данной проблемы на Россию.

Application of the process method in teaching economic disciplines
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The introduction of the process approach involves the logical rethinking of traditional, generally accepted concepts and other didactic elements in a particular discipline, the identification of its intersubjective preceding, accompanying and subsequent links to avoid duplication or establish specific aspects of the same issues.

Career advancement and mobility in the French civil service
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This article presents a general outline of the French civil service and provides information about its features of career advancement and mobility, performance assessment and remuneration system. It also provides the results of survey of actual French civil servants with examples of reasons why they chose a civil service career. Based on this information the author expresses her opinion which of presented features can be implemented in Kazakhstan to increase the motivation and performance of civil servants.

Chinese-Russian relations under the conditions of global sanctions
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The article is devoted to the modern Chinese-Russian relations. The author covers the issues of energy market cooperation, Chinese investment projects in Russia, mutual trade. Bilateral trade volume is analyzed. The author highlights benefits of mutual relations of the two countries despite the international sanctions.

Cross cultural analysis of students of four regions of Uzbekistan
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The work is devoted to the development of the knowledge about similarities and differences of national cultural values of societies of the regions of Uzbekistan for effective formation of integration ties within the branches of economies of the regions of the country and foreign countries for sustainable development of economies of the regions and the share of the economy of the country in the global economy. Quantitative values of the Hofstede`s dimensions of national cultural values of students of regions of the country are identified and their comparative analysis is carried out. Results of the analysis are discussed. Their usefulness in enhancing intercultural relations and integration of migrants into new cultures is emphasized. Areas of use of the results of this study are indicated. Recommendations for further development of the research are given.

Factors and trends of economic growth
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This article deals with the essence of economic growth. Economic growth is the quantitative increase and qualitative improvement of the social product and the factors of its production. Economic growth occupies a central place in the reproduction process.

Features of free economic zones
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This article deals with the main types of free economic zones.

Foreign economic activity of Uzbekistan
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In this scientific article foreign economic activity of Uzbekistan is considered. The Republic of Uzbekistan actively joined the multilateral international mechanisms of economic cooperation, entered and began to pursue an active policy in authoritative international financial and economic organizations.

Free economic zones of Uzbekistan
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This article deals with free economic zones of Uzbekistan

Free economic zones: concept, essence, opportunities
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This article discusses the role of free economic zones in the economy.

Historical information on the establishment of exchange trade
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This article describes the history of exchange trading. Modern exchanges and the principles underlying the exchange trade in goods have a centuries-old history of formation and development.

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This article tells about the definition of the search plan which called outsourcing. Outsourcing makes it possible for smaller enterprises to enjoy many of the same capabilities as larger ones, but with more predictable and generally lower-cost than building the capability internally. The outsourcing agreement must describe how the security of data will be monitored and audited, including how potential indicators of breach or noncompliance will be communicated to the management. A successful workforce plan as defined by greatest positive impact to enterprise cybersecurity is a function of where and how these essential roles are placed.

Independence is the basis of achievements of economic development of Uzbekistan
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In this article we consider the achievements of Uzbekistan's economic development. The economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the years of independence developed on the basis of the national model developed by the First President Islam Karimov taking into account the country's socio-economic potential, the history of the Uzbek people, national values, as well as the best world experience.

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The article considers the technological innovation in the field of agriculture, precision farming technology, provides concrete examples of implementation, reflected satellite control system of agricultural machinery.

Innovative activity as object of investment
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In this scientific article innovative activity is considered, the essence and functions of innovation are analyzed.

International movement of capital: concept and economic essence
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This article deals with the international movement of capital. International capital migration is the flow of capital between countries, including exports, imports of capital and its operation abroad. Migration of capital is an objective economic process, when capital leaves the economy of one country in order to obtain a higher income in another country.

International sanctions on Russia: economic implications
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The article investigates Russia’s economic development under conditions of international sanctions. European countries and the USA keep imposing different sanctions on Russia and our country keeps striking back. The author comes to the conlusion that the Russian Federation will get over it as we’ve got a lot of brilliant minds here who care about their homeland’s future.

Investments and innovations of their mutual relations
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This article deals with investment and innovation as the main structural elements of the market

Main properties of international economic integration
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This article describes the main features of International Economic Integration. Consideration of the activities of international organizations.