The morality of Victorian England as a consequence of "cultural explosion"

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The Victorian morals carries obvious traces of ideology puritanism, arisen in England within the limits of movement Reformation. And in this sense it can be considered as one of consequences of this «cultural explosion». At the same time on its formation the theory and practice of Anglican church has rendered the big influence. The article is devoted to the analysis of specific features of the Victorian morals which in many respects has affected the further development of English culture. Sources and the reasons of existence of «double standards», characteristic for Victorian, and their concrete displays are in detail considered. Three structural elements of the Victorian morals are allocated and are in detail analyzed: 1) interdictions on a thing (the certain acts); 2) interdictions of semiotics sense (on modelling of acts by means of languages of culture); 3) means of the control over observance of these interdictions.


Reformation, puritanism, english culture, anglican church, victorian

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IDR: 144160389

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