The motive of the look in the story of H. Marias "Broken binoculars"

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The article analyzes the functioning of the gaze motif in the story of the modern Spanish writer Javier Marias «Broken Binoculars» (1998). The narrative organization and the concept of the hero-narrator, who takes the position of an anonymous observer, is commented. It is concluded that the main function of the plot-forming motive of the look in the story is to express the attitude of the characters towards themselves and the world. The joint use of one optical device (symbolizes a point of view) contributes to dialogue and the establishment of mutual understanding between the characters. The gaze motif is involved in the implementation of the main existential themes of H. Marias' work: loneliness, a sense of insecurity, fears of being misunderstood, unnoticed, losing one's individuality.


Javier marias, story, narrator, anonymous, gaze motif

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147239307   |   DOI: 10.17072/2304-909X-2022-15-60-66

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