Motivational and emotional components of learning vocal master-class

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In the article the technique of vocal master class, which is aimed at improving the training of Opera singers. Special attention is paid to techniques, teaching methods, organization of vocal master class, forms and stages of work with Opera singers. The author comes to the conclusion that during the master-class you should consider the psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of his style Bell canto the vocalists in the universities of culture and arts. Having a individual coloring, performing style Bell canto suggests the need to establish a method of its formation, which would take into account the age and individual characteristics of students, their interests and desires, values, aimed at deep artistic and creative personal discovery. Further work with students vocalists provides for the acquisition of knowledge required for lull implementation of the process of art-pedagogical interpretation of vocal works in the style of Bell canto. The conflict that arises between the desire to accomplish a task, on the one hand, and the impossibility of their decisions, on the other, stimulates students guidelines aimed at self-improvement, and the desire to obtain relevant knowledge related to pedagogical interpretation of vocal works.


Opera singer, bell canto, professional vocal training, master-classes, art-pedagogical interpretation, integration of the arts, teaching methods and vocals

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