Male infertility in the Russian Federation: statistical data for 2000-2018

Автор: Lebedev G.S., Golubev N.A., Shaderkin I.A., Shaderkina V.A., Apolikhin O.I., Sivkov A.V., Komarova V.A.

Журнал: Экспериментальная и клиническая урология @ecuro

Рубрика: Организация урологической помощи

Статья в выпуске: 4, 2019 года.

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Contacts: Shaderkina Viktoriya Anatolyevna, Introduction. Infertility is a global problem affecting about 15% ofcouples (approximately 48.5 million) worldwide. According to statistical data, the male factorcause infertility in 50% ofcases totally. The etiology of male infertility is diverse,can be eithercongenital or acquired. Factors having a negative impact on male fertility: obesity, smoking and exposure to heat are described. The importance of evaluating sperm analysis for the diagnosis and prediction of further treatment was emphasized. Materials and methods. Information on infertility rates in the male population of the Russian Federation for 2000-2018 wascollected and summarized. based on data from official statistics of the Ministry of Health «The incidence of the population of Russia. Statistical materials». Results and discussion. It has been shown that the total number of men with infertility during 2000-2018 increased from 22348 to 47886 people (+ 114%), an increase of 82% in patients with primary male infertility was noted...


Male infertility, statistics of male infertility, male health, andrology

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IDR: 142223185   |   DOI: 10.29188/2222-8543-2019-11-4-4-12

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