Folk art culture in the system of professional education of students

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The author considers the problem of improving the content of vocational education students, introduction of new forms of organization of educational process in the universities. Orientation of modern education on the formation of the humanitarian culture with the view of universal values implies the creation of such conditions that will contribute to the appearance and development of its creative potential qualities which define the originality of the personal participation of a future teacher in cultural life. Pedagogical comprehension ofspiritual values ofculture enables creative activity ofstudents, find the best combination of methods and forms of training, at which the folk art culture taking as a certain aesthetic phenomenon and not lost their cognitive entity. Use in the content of artistic and pedagogical education of the value potential of folk art culture provides the professional development of students, formation of experience of artistic creativity and aesthetic culture, to promote pedagogical creativity.


Professional education, educational process, formation of the personality, human values, folk art culture

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IDR: 14489713

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