Narrative tactics of A. I. Solzhenitsyn in the short novel "The cancer pavilion". A problem of formation of the author’s writing techniques

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"The Cancer Pavilion", the embodiment of a separate stage of the writer’s life and thought, demonstrates a process of formation of Solzhenitsyn’s writing techniques. Narrative strategy is determined by the main aspiration of the author - to show real life in its variety, "to see, hear, clean the built-in lie". The characters belonging to the most different layers of reality face each other within the closed chronotope of hospital chamber: their destiny, ideas, moral and philosophical strivings. So there is a dimentional panorama opposed by the typifying narrative of socialist realism novels. At the same time "The Cancer Pavilion" is not polyphony with a set of "independent and nonconfluent voices and consciousnesses" or even "the perceptual worlds". Disclosing fullness of life, the writer does not endue heroes with independent voices. He edits the limited points of view, forms his own axiological system creating various narrative surfaces filling them with subjective content. Conclusion: Trying to depict life in its variety, the writer creates dimentional literate structure skillfully. Polyphony of Solzhenitsyn as a writing technique is an attempt to oppose the system and a literary dominant of the Soviet era. The genre typology of the polyphonic novel is in the beginning of its formation.


Writing technique of a. i. solzhenitsin, narrative strategy, axiological system

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