Some statistical estimates of educational process of knowledge accumulation at high school

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Introduction. Progress and health studying at high school substantially depend on the account in technology of training of structure and size of natural abilities of pupils. On the bases, far from science, from the middle of the 1930th years in the USSR (and up to that moment in Russia) such account at the structure of school widely isn't applied that is connected with the prevailing approaches and estimates of academicians T.D.Lysenko and L.S.Vygotsky supported by the management of All-Union Communist Party (bolsheviks). Partly justified in an extraordinary situation of a prewartime, shortage of skillful teachers and the small duration of compulsory education at school (3 - 5 classes in 30 - the 40th years), this approach nowadays leads to more and more sad consequences not only in progress, but also in moral, intellectual and physical health of pupils, exerts the corresponding negative impact on labor productivity and health of the population. Using experimental data, mathematical models of application culture- and nature corresponding approaches are given at comprehensive school for the purpose of development of more reasonable numerical criteria of expediency of application of these approaches in these or those conditions of training. Conclusion. The carried-out calculations have shown noticeable sensitivity of model to introduction of new assumptions about a certain correlation of manifestations of technical and humanitarian abilities of pupils, and also to use of skilled data from again attracted sources. According to authors, it speaks about expediency of further researches in this direction.


General training, nature corresponding training, criteria of success of comprehensive school, mathematical modeling

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