A new generation of educational programs of secondary vocational education: training of mid-level specialists for light industry

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The article looks at topical issues of vocational training specialists with secondary vocational education, whose qualification will allow to qualitatively replanish the personnel of textile industry enterprises. Secondary vocational education is undergoing an active modernization in our country. New technologies for training specialists of this level are aimed at improving the quality of education and developing a strategy that makes working professions prestigeous. Currently, there is a shortage of specialists with secondary vocational education, whose qualifications meet the modern requirements of the labor market. Many graduates of secondary vocational educational colleges cannot find a job in their specialty for a number of reasons, one of which is the discrepancy between the received education and the requirements of the labor market. This problem is being solved at the federal level through the implementation of the «Professionalitet» project, which means updating the system of secondary vocational education for training personnel in accordance with the real needs of specific employers from technical industries. The purpose of this article is to identify current problems in the system of training industry specialists with secondary vocational education and prospects for the development of training system for textile industry on the basis of large scientific-educational and production centres in the conditions of an experiment on the development, testing and implementation of a new educational technology for designing educational programs of secondary vocational education within the federal project «Professionalitet». As a result of the study, the main costraining factors were identified hindering the high-quality training specialists with secondary vocational education, as well as the key elements that are extremely necessary for the training of those ones meeting the modern and promising requirements of the industry labor market were identified. The novelty of the research is determined in the emperical sustantion of the importance of increasing role of an industry employer in the development and implementation of educational programs of secondary vocational education of a new generation. There is an obvious need to redistribute the functionality of the employer and the administration of a secondary vocational educational college when designing educational programs. An industry employer becomes the main developer of the educational program (its content and resource provision), while the administration of a secondary vocational educational college becomes a link providing consulting and methodological support.


Secondary vocational education, specialist with secondary vocational education, textile industry, federal project «professionalitet», employer, labor market requirements, qualification

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148327210

IDR: 148327210   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-92-38-46

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