A new look at the stuffing through the municipal preschool educational institution

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The article describes the modern requirements for employees of pre-school educational institutions according to the Federal state educational standard of pre-school education. Methods of professional development of personnel by efforts of preschool institution are considered. For professional development of personnel the following actions are offered: 1) mentoring, fixing for beginning teachers and specialists of teachers with experience; 2) motivation of teachers for further training and professional development. This will help many teachers to see their prospects, and begin to prepare for the proposed event should be for 1 - 2 years; 3) training (vocational education) and motivation to achieve the best results, counseling in this area; 4) career planning employee. Recommendations should be made for promotion, including in the managerial staff; 5) retraining of teachers taking into account the specifics of professions in the field of education.


Staffing, management, municipal pre-school institution

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148312833

ID: 148312833
