On the cultural specification of science: science as science and / or wissenschaft

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The author, commenting on the concept of M. Petrov's thesaurus dynamics, discovers in it a socio-genetic analysis of science and attempts to deepen it by developing the question of what significance for the development of science is its implementation in different national languages. Besides the concept of the national scientific linguistic T-continuum, substantiated by M. K. Petrov, it is the dialectical method (and N. Elias' socio-genetic approach as a variant of it), as well as the interpretation given by N. Elias to the distinction of civilization and culture that helps to solve this problem. The author comes to the conclusion that the pluriversum of national scientific T-continua is constitutive for the existence of science, and besides that it determines the inner difference of the very scientific form - the difference between the external, formal form of this cultural phenomenon, represented by its science-hypostasis, and its meaningful form, represented by Wissenschaft as an exemplary model. The study also shows that between the functioning of a self-regulating world market and the institutional structure of science, there is a homology relationship that allows us to identify the conditions essential for the preservation and protection of the national scientific T-continuum. And these conditions are more likely to be opposite to those suggested by M. K. Petrov in his project of «intensive scientification of society».


Science, national scientific t-continuum, thesaurus, culture, civilization, demarcation, inverted form, objectification of objectification

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/144161181

IDR: 144161181

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