Some problems concerning conceptualization of the world by means of natural language

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The subject of this paper is a number of problems that occur most frequently in the course of scientific research during the process of conceptualization of the world around us by means of natural language. The main subject is to consider the origins of certain issues and difficulties concerning the process of conceptualization, as well as to explain their nature or, at least, work out some speculations. The methodology of the research is analysis of the most common problems that occur in the process of conceptualization of the world by means of natural language. Results of the research : determination of a number of problems concerning conceptualization, explanation of certain reasons for them to occur. Scope of results are various kinds of scientific research works concerning the features and issues occurring in the course of conceptualization and categorization during the process of creating and analyzing different linguistic world images.


Concept, linguistic world image, cognitive linguistics, natural language

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ID: 148102535
