About the experience of mentoring during the training practice of students at the enterprise

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The article clarifies the concepts of "mentor" and "mentoring", indicates their relevance and sufficient novelty of use. It is shown that these concepts undergo changes over time. As an example of mentoring of trainees, the educational practice conducted at the Institute of Engines and Power Plants of Samara University, where the head of the practice acts as a mentor, is considered. The importance of the role of mentors in the training of personnel for students during the educational practice during their studies at the university was noted. As an example, an excursion to the heavy engineering enterprise of JSC Tyazhmash, conducted as part of a training practice in an experimental group (EG), is considered. In the control group (KG), the training practice is conducted without an excursion to the enterprise. In the process of conducting an excursion within the framework of practice, the superficial interest in the EG in the chosen specialty develops into a deep and creative one. The article also notes that qualified and patriotic personnel should be trained in the process of studying at the university. As follows from student reports on practice, interest in the chosen specialty has grown. The students received a lesson in patriotic education, and this will undoubtedly strengthen their pride both in the country as a whole and in their small homeland - the Kuibyshev (now Samara) region.


Mentor, mentoring, educational practice

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148328008

IDR: 148328008   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-93-20-28

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