Substantiation of the method of preparation of fodder with soya

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The existing methods of preparation of fodder have some shortcomings, including the method of preparation and mixing of components on the basis of protein-containing raw materials (soy and wheat) at certain ratio, which then are to be dissolved in water, and extracting protein basis from the soy raw material (heat-treated groats). At this method insoluble residues are to be separated and mixed with wheat and barley which undergo simultaneous heat-treating by extmding. The shortcomings of the existing methods are relatively high cost of labor and facilities owing to the necessity of using special processing lines for advance of extracting heat-treated soy and wheat flour and also relatively low quality of mixed fodder owing to loss of nutrients in albuminiferous raw materials. The suggested method makes it possible to lower power intensity and cost of labor when preparing liquid and dry fodder and also helps to enhance the quality of fodder. This result is gained through the following process: when preparing protein basis of albuminiferous raw materials they use the composition of advance soaked soy and wheat, or soy and maize, or soy and barley, or soy and oats at ratio 1:1 and mixed fodder is prepared by getting an insoluble residue of this composition up to the humidity of 33-35 %, then granules of diameter 4-5 mm are formed and then dried in the flow ofairwith temperature 148-150°C until the granules reach the humidity 9-10 %. The technical result is that this method makes it possible to get quality high-protein liquid and dry fodder balanced in accordance with the need of the main nutrient materials, i. e. amino acids, lipids, mineral substances and vitamins, at relatively low cost of power and labor.


Soya, soybean slurry, protein-containing raw material

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IDR: 14084120

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