The author's image in the messages of monarch Alexei Mikhailovich of Russian and Polish war period (1654-1667) To the problem of considering the text poetics of the transitional period

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The epistolary genre is considered as one of the most revealing in the transition period in Russian literature for several reasons. The first is the genre nature of the message initially has a «transitional» character, being between the two spheres of Book Culture of Ancient Russia: fiction and clerical work. Due to objective circumstances interaction between literature and business writing in the XVII century took new forms. Literature and document interpenetrating and complementing each other opened up new horizons in the author’s creation of the transitional period. The second reason for appealing to the genre of messages is defined by the desire to consider literary dynamics processes based on epistolary heritage of Alexei Mikhailovich, relations and mutual traditions of the Middle Ages and Modern Times within the work of one of the writers of the transitional period.


Russian literature in transition period, epistolary genre, creation of tsar alexei mikhailovich

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